Cape Naturaliste lighthouse

7/05/2013 (Tuesday)

Today we went on a walk to the Cape Naturaliste lighthouse.  It was about 2 hours long and the path was mainly made out of limestone.  At about 30 minutes into the hike, my dad and I saw some New Zealand fur seals on the rocks!  When we got back my mum and dad were sitting down when my mum saw that a massive storm was heading right for us! So we had to pack up the trailer and move into one of the on-site cabins.  In the evening we watched Madagascar 2.

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Cape Naturaliste lighthouse.

Tuesday the 7th May

Today we went for a walk to the Cape Naturaliste lighthouse.  The path was very rough.  We saw lots of New Zealand fur seals from the lookout and there were lots of little lizards on the path.  When we got back to the campsite big black clouds closed in.  Mummy checked the weather forecast and saw that a big storm was heading our way so we decided to move into a cabin.  I’m glad we did as it poured and it was very windy.

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Busselton bike ride and dolphins!

6/05/2013 (Monday)

Today I was very excited because it was our first day of home schooling.  In the morning we went on a bike ride to Busselton Jetty.  While we were there we had snacks at the Goose cafe.  When we were sitting and waiting for food Oliver said he saw something in the water and then we saw two dolphins in the water! When we got back to the campsite I sat down with daddy and went on Matheletics and Reading Eggs.

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Today we played with Lilly (our new friend) and fed the ducks.  It was really funny part was when Lilly made a trail of bread for the ducks to follow but they weren’t interested. Then we cycled 28kms to Busselton to the Goose (cafe).  I ordered a macademia chocolate biscuit.  When we were eating we saw 2 dolphins.

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Drive from Denmark to Busselton

Yesterday it rained.  Heavily.  So today we changed our plans and decided to head for Busselton instead of Augusta which, according to the weather forecast, was about to get a soaking.  We’ve had enough of rain.  Packing up took about three hours, so we’re getting better at it!

It’s a lovely scenic drive from Denmark to Pemberton; undulating farmland, forests of Karri and giant Tingle trees, and a beautiful coastline of granite and white sand beaches.  One of our favourite beaches here is Mandalay Beach, named after the ship that was wrecked on 13 May 1911.  The Mandalay was hit by a heavy gale and was being driven close to the shore.  Captain Tonnessen realised there was nothing he could do to save the ship, so in an effort to save the crew he deliberately beached the vessel on what was then a remote part of Australia.  The crew all survived the wreck and were eventually rescued (the full Mandalay rescue story is well worth a read).

May4th, 2013.  Richard at Mandalay Beach, near Pemberton.

May4th, 2013. Richard at Mandalay Beach, near Pemberton.

We had a quick lunch at Northcliffe in the forest and eventually arrived at the Busselton campsite at about 4PM just in time to setup the trailer before it got dark.

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Mandalay Beach

4/05/2013 (Saturday)

On Saturday we travelled to Busselton. While we were travelling we stopped at Mandalay Beach.  Then we had lunch at Northcliffe.

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Go Karts

3/05/2013 (Friday)

Today Oliver and I went on some go karts that we rented.  We had to pay $5.00 for half an hour.  After that we played on our bikes and I played UNO with mummy and daddy.  Later in the afternoon we all went down to the beach for a walk.  Oliver and I bought our scooters but unfortunately some of the paths were sandy so we had to carry them.  While we were on the walk oliver and I saw a dead swan.  When we got back daddy and mummy continued packing and then Oliver mummy and I went to the camp kitchen to wash up.  Then we had dinner while watching TV(deadly 60) in the camp kitchen.  When we got back from our showers we sat dan and wrote our journals.

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Mt Lindesday, Denmark

2/05/2013 (Thursday)

Yesterday we got up early and got ready to go on a hike up Mt Lindesday.  Mt Lindesday is about 5 kilometres from the Denmark river to the 400 metre granite high dome visible to the north of the town.  We started climbing at 11:40.  At about half way we saw a massive grey cloud heading strait for us.  We even saw the rain pouring over the trees before it reached us!  It started getting very windy and we had to put our rain coats on and shelter behind some bushes.  Then we started climbing again because the storm hadn’t hit us yet and we were desperate to get to the top!  We FINALLY reached the top after one hour and 50  minutes of hiking up a steep mountain. When we got to the top it suddenly it started to pour with rain!  At the top Oliver and I had an apple and tried to stand up on the top of the reckon the summit.  But it was so windy we almost fell off!  On our way back down the mountain it was getting very cold and we were getting tired and achey.  When we got to the bottom of the mountain we were happy to be leaving after a long and hard walk.  In the evening Oliver and I played a game of Monopoly.

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Mount Lindesay

Yesterday it was nice and  sunny.  So we decided to climb a mountain called  Mount  Lindesay .  At the start I was bored and wanted to do something fun.  So I decided to run ahead.  But there was a slight problem, I got lost!  Luckily I fell over and grazed my knee, and I yelled so loudly  that Mummy and Daddy found me quickly.  Whilst Mummy cleaned my knee I got stung by the biggest Ant in the world.  AAAAHHHHHHH, OUCH!  It was very venomous and I almost died!!!  Daddy flicked it off my leg and it landed on Mummy’s leg and bit her!!!!!!!!  Mummy was jiggling, dancing, hopping and screeching.  We climbed to the summit but it started raining so we turned around and came down very quickly.

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Denmark, Dinosaur World

Sunshine and showers this morning so we decided to visit Dinosaur World which is between Denmark and Walpole.  Although the name suggests Dinosaurs, the main attractions for the children were the reptiles and birds.  We arrived just as the snake and lizard handling got underway.

Oliver with friend at Dinosaur World, near Walpole.

Oliver with friend at Dinosaur World, near Walpole.

Emily and Oliver loved it!  Within minutes they were adorned with various slithering or crawling reptiles and seemed totally at ease.  Next it was outside to the birds which also seemed happy to perch on anyone who stood still.  Some birds seemed to be over the novelty of perching on people, preferring instead to steal shoe laces or anything else that dangled (Emily’s hair bands for example).

1st May, 2013.  Emily with friend at Dinosaur World, near Walpole.

1st May, 2013. Emily with friend at Dinosaur World, near Walpole.

After a couple of hours it was time for lunch.  Charlotte suggested the Lake House which is on the way back to Denmark.  It was an inspired suggestion!  Excellent food in a beautiful setting.

1st May, 2013.  Lunchtime at the Lake House, Denmark.

1st May, 2013. Lunchtime at the Lake House, Denmark.

By the time we got back to the campsite the heavens had opened so we sat inside and played Junior Monopoly.  I won!

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